Using Two Yarn Colors Together
A really fun and effective way to use our wool yarns is to use two together to create a spiral effect. Here are the steps:
Step 1
Cut two pieces of yarn of the appropriate length. Here that's about 2.5 inches (6.4 cm). See the image below.

Step 2
Each length of wool yarn is essentially two smaller strands twisted together. Unwind and separate these two strands for each color of yarn. See the images below.

Step 3
Take one of the separated strands of each color and put secure them side-by-side along the hook shank with many thread wraps, as shown below.
Step 4
Keep both strands parallel and next to each other as you wrap them together around the hook shank toward the eye of the hook, as shown below.
Step 5
Keep wrapping the yarns up the shank until they are about an eye's length away from the eye. Use the thread to make several securing wraps around the yarns. Tie in a hackle feather and create a head of thread to finish things off. The end result will look something like the image below (a fly I call the Waldo Kebari).
Have fun!