Modified Utah Killer Kebari

I used this fly extensively on my successful quest to catch fish in small mountain streams in each of Utah's 29 counties, making it truly live up to its name. Note that I call this fly the Modified Utah Killer Kebari. It is based on the Utah Killer Kebari, which itself is based on the Utah Killer Bug. I consider the canonical version of the Utah Killer Kebari to be the one documented by Morgan Lyle in his excellent book Simple Flies, and my version (what I call the Modified version) differs from that fly in essentially every way except for the yarn used. My version has no weight in it, uses a different hackle feather, and uses a different color of thread. You'll have to buy his book if you want to see what materials he uses, but here's the recipe for mine:
Modified Utah Killer Kebari
- Hook: Size 12 hook of some sort. I've used everything from dry fly hooks to heavy nymph hooks. I don't pay too much attention to what I use.
- Body: Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift Oyster
- Hackle: Hen saddle feather, black
- Weight: None
- Thread: Red. I'm partial to UTC Ultra Thread 70 denier.