Idaho Killer Kebari

Idaho Killer Kebari


I fished the Modified Utah Killer Kebari extensively in Utah for a year before moving to Idaho. I wanted to celebrate my new fishing adventures in my new homeland with a new fly. I decided to pay homage to the Modified Utah Killer Kebari by keeping with a similar color scheme but still with some major differences, notably the yarn color and the hackle style. I have since used this fly to catch hundreds of wild trout in almost every state in the western US. It's that good.

Here's a step-by-step instructional video of how I tie this fly.

Idaho Killer Kebari

  • Hook: Size 12 hook. I usually use heavier nymph hooks for this fly.
  • Body: Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift Flame
  • Hackle: Size 12 dry fly hackle (rooster tail feather), black
  • Weight: None
  • Thread: Red. I like UTC Ultra Thread 70 denier.